A walking tour in Rome: the course


After  having spent  hours and hours  in the museums, you can make a walking tour around the Eternal city. There are many itineraries you can follow. Today I suggest the one to take a glance to the city if you have never been there.

  • On Sunday in the afternoon, I often make a tour which start from Piazza San Pietro that you must see absolutely together with the Colosseum. You reach Piazza San Pietro by the underground, A line, and you stop at Ottaviano.


  • Then you go on Via della Conciliazione, you walk along the walls of Castel Sant’Angelo, you pass through Ponte Sant’Angelo,  you take Via di Panico and the beautiful Via dei Coronari. At the end of this street, on the right, there is the Stadio di Domiziano archeological area located underneath Piazza Navona.


  • Piazza Navona, famous for the Fountain of the Four Rivers by Bernini, has also other two fountains: the Nettuno fountain and the Moro fountain. Making a walking tour in Rome is not only looking at the monuments, but also at the particular shops: here is the well known toy shop “Il Sogno” that I love very much.


  • Now go out from Piazza Navona,  cross Corso Rinascimento toward Via del Salvatore at the left side of Palazzo Madama, go on Via Giustiniani and you reach Piazza della Rotonda where there is the Pantheon.


  • The street at the left side of the Pantheon (Via della Minerva), leads to the cat sanctuary of Largo di Torre Argentina, the archeological site where Julius Caesar was killed. In Via della Minerva you find the popular Bernini’s marble work, a little elephant topped by an obelisk.


Walking tour in Rome: marble elephant


  • From Largo di Torre Argentina through Via delle Botteghe Oscure, you reach Piazza Venezia and its Altar of the Fatherland. At the left side of the monument there is Via dei Fori Imperiali that leads to the Colosseum.


  • Coming back to Piazza Venezia, you go to Via del Corso, you turn on Via delle Muratte and you will come to the Trevi fountain. At the right side of the fountain you follow Via della Stamperia, you arrive to Via del Tritone. From Via del Tritone, through Via Due Macelli, you reach Piazza di Spagna with its step and its fountain of cold water.


You end  your walking tour passing Via del Babuino, Via Margutta and Piazza del Popolo where you can take the underground after this walk of about 8 kilometers. Here the map of the course.


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